
Borderzone Breakthrough: A New Source of Cardiac Inflammation

August 28, 2024

Borderzone Breakthrough: A New Source of Cardiac Inflammation

In the Aug. 28, 2024 issue of Nature, researchers from University of California San Diego in the laboratory of Dr. Kevin King, associate professor of bioengineering and medicine, and a cardiologist at the Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center, report the discovery of a novel mechanism of cardiac inflammation that may expand therapeutic opportunities to prevent heart attacks from becoming heart failure. Full Story

Closing the RNA Loop Holds Promise for More Stable, Effective RNA Therapies

August 26, 2024

Closing the RNA Loop Holds Promise for More Stable, Effective RNA Therapies

New methods to shape RNA molecules into circles could lead to more effective and long-lasting therapies, shows a study by UC San Diego researchers. The advance holds promise for a range of diseases, offering a more enduring alternative to existing RNA therapies, which often suffer from short-lived effectiveness in the body.   Full Story

Simulations from Atom to Organ Reveal Novel Treatment Mechanisms for Heart Failure

August 19, 2024

Simulations from Atom to Organ Reveal Novel Treatment Mechanisms for Heart Failure

A team of researchers from UC San Diego has developed the first multiscale computational model to simulate the therapeutic mechanisms of a drug candidate for heart failure from the atomic level to the organ system scale. Full Story