Undergraduate Advising

Academic advising staff are available in the Bioengineering Student Affairs Office to provide advice and answers to questions about the undergraduate programs in Bioengineering. By consulting with advisors new and current students can obtain answers to policy and procedural questions on a variety of topics, including the following:

  • Admission to the Undergraduate Majors

  • Credit for Advance Placement (AP) Courses

  • Major Requirements and Courses

  • Planning Quarterly Course Schedules

  • Education Abroad and Bioengineering

  • Clearance to Enroll in a Course

  • Petitions

    • Incompletes

    • Course Substitutions

    • Course Equivalents for Community College or other 4-year University Transfer Courses

  • Application to the Integrated 5 Yr BS/MS Program

Upon admission to the major, students are required to meet with an undergraduate advisor in the Bioengineering Student Affairs Office to plan a program of study. The program plan may be revised in subsequent years; however, revisions involving curricular requirements require approval of an undergraduate advisor and the faculty Undergraduate Studies Committee. As the department may make course and/or curricular changes periodically, it is important that students consult with an undergraduate advisor on an annual basis.

Student Advising

Prospective Students

For questions regarding undergraduate advising, please contact our office via email at be-uginfo@ucsd.edu 

Current Students

For questions regarding undergraduate advising please use Virtual Advising Center via TritonLink 

Questions sent through email by current students will not be answered.

Open Advising Office Hours


Monday-Friday 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

  • In order to remotely sign-in for undergraduate open advising office hours during the above days and times, please go here.
  • Students will be seen in the order that they sign in.

Open Advising office hours are designed for quick questions. If you wish to make an academic plan or have more complicated questions, please consider scheduling a one-on-one appointment.

One-on-one appointments 

One-on-one appointments can be requested either in person or virtually via Zoom by making a request via the
Virtual Advising Center with proposed days and times and preferred method (in-person or remote).

Please send a message via the Virtual Advising Center with:

  • Your availability
  • Type of Appointment (In-person or via Zoom)

You will receive confirmation and calendar invitation (with a Zoom meeting link, if remote) once scheduled.