We Prepare Engineers for Careers in the Medical and Biological Engineering Industries

UC San Diego Bioengineering Graduate Program
In the UTC & Sorrento Valley area, UC San Diego is surrounded by an extraordinary collection of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical technology companies. Within a 10-mile radius of UC San Diego, there are over 200 life-sciences companies, ranging from start-ups to corporate giants.
The UC San Diego Bioengineering Graduate Program continues to build on its well-established tradition of interdisciplinary scholarship, while promoting new areas of graduate research and education, by developing a program based on Integrative Bioengineering. This includes the integration of research activities at all levels of biomedical engineering design from genes and molecules to the whole organism, the interaction between engineering and biomedical sciences, coordination of research and education, partnerships between neighboring institutions, and collaboration with industry and clinical medicine for effective technology transfer.