Peptide Nanomaterials for Early Disease Detection

Zhiyuan HU

Director of Translational Nano-Medicine Lab

National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, CAS

Beijing China

Seminar Information

Seminar Date
August 7, 2017 - 11:00 AM

The FUNG Auditorium


Peptide probes have widespread applications in disease diagnostics. The demand for peptides ligands with high affinity and high specificity toward various targets has surged in the biomedical field in recent years. The traditional peptide screening procedure involves selection, sequencing, and characterization steps, and each step is manual and tedious. Herein, we developed a system which can quickly screen the peptide probe and conduct self-assembly to make nanomaterials for biomarker detection.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Zhiyuan HU is one of the “Pioneer Hundred Talents Program” scientists in CAS and professor in Sino-danish school in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. HU received his PhD degree on Biological Chemistry in the School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University. His research explores the interdisciplinary field crossing nanotechnology and systems medicine. In recent years, Dr. HU focuses on peptide nanomaterials for biomarker detection.