Tracing Molecules through Space and Time to Understand Cancer and Neuropathy

Christian Metallo

Associate Professor of Bioengineering

University of California, San Diego

Seminar Information

Seminar Date
January 30, 2020 - 2:00 PM

FUNG Auditorium

Speaker Bio

Christian Metallo studies metabolism, or the biochemistry of living systems. His laboratory integrates engineering approaches with stable isotope tracing, mass spectrometry, and molecular biology tools to understand how metabolic dysregulation contributes to cancer progression, neurodegeneration, and diabetes. Christian is an Associate Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of California, San Diego. He received his B.S. from the University of Pennsylvania before joining Merck Research Laboratories. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Christian was the recipient of the Biomedical Engineering Society Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award in 2012 and a Searle Scholar Award in 2013. He received a NSF CAREER Award in 2015 and Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award in 2017.