No Health without Mental Health: Considering Mental Health in Consumer and Patient Health Technologies

Elizabeth V. Eikey, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health & The Design Lab

University of California, San Diego


Seminar Information

Seminar Date
October 23, 2020 - 2:00 PM



Mental health is a global public health issue, which has been amplified during the recent pandemic. Digital tools hold a lot of promise in offering mental health support yet at the same time can exacerbate and trigger mental health concerns and other challenges. This talk will explore the role of mental health in consumer and patient technologies, such as those explicitly designed to support mental health and more general-purpose and health prevention tools. How these technologies are used and perceived in practice will also be emphasized as key aspects to translating research and technology development to real world impact.

Speaker Bio

Elizabeth Eikey, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the soon to be School of Public Health as well as the Design Lab at UC San Diego. Dr. Eikey received her PhD in Information Sciences and Technology from the Pennsylvania State University and completed her postdoctoral fellowship in Informatics at the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences and the Institute for Clinical & Translational Science at UC Irvine. She is the Assistant Director of the iSchool Inclusion Institute (i3) and the Director of the Mental Health in Design (MiD) Lab, and her research broadly focuses on mental health, technology, and equity by drawing on the intersection of Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Information Science, and Psychology.