Engineering Proteins for Visualizing and Treating Cancer

Jennifer Cochran

Associate Professor of Bioengineering

Stanford University

Seminar Information

Seminar Date
May 19, 2017 - 2:00 PM

The FUNG Auditorium


We engineer proteins as therapeutics and diagnostic agents for biomedical applications including cancer and regenerative medicine. I will discuss the discovery and development of novel therapeutic approaches for targeted cancer treatment, spanning a broad range of efforts in the areas of protein engineering, biochemical and biophysical analyses, and preclinical testing. We also develop technologies for protein analysis and engineering, including a high-throughput screening platform that enables massively parallel, quantitative biochemical measurements to be performed on millions of protein variants expressed in yeast or bacteria. My presentation will highlight examples of engineered proteins with translational impact, as well as protein engineering applications performed with this new technology platform.

Speaker Bio

Jennifer Cochran, Ph.D., is the Hitachi America Faculty Scholar Associate Professor of Bioengineering and (by courtesy) Chemical Engineering at Stanford University. She is also a member of the Stanford Biophysics and Cancer Biology graduate programs.  Dr. Cochran is currently the Director of Graduate Studies in Bioengineering, the Director of the Stanford-NIH Biotechnology Predoctoral Training Grant, and Co-Director of the Stanford-NIST Graduate Training Program. Her research group focuses on protein-based drug discovery for applications in regenerative medicine, ocular disease, and cancer imaging and therapy, and development of new technology for high-throughput protein analysis and engineering. Dr. Cochran obtained her Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Biological Engineering. She has received the National Cancer Institute Howard Temin Award, the Martin D. Abeloff Scholar Award from the V Foundation for Cancer Research, an American Cancer Society Research Scholar Award, and a Sidney Kimmel Scholar Award. She was also named the 47th Mallinckrodt Faculty Scholar from the Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Foundation.