Gabriela Lomeli
Faculty Candidate
PhD Candidate | NSF Fellow | Siebel Scholar | Amy E. Herr Lab
UC Berkeley - UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering
Seminar Information

Highly related proteins, called proteoforms, are involved in many disease processes, including cancer. Proteoforms are difficult to study in single cells because of their high homology and low abundance. This seminar will focus on my recent work advancing our ability to interrogate proteoforms from single cells using microfluidic approaches. First, I will describe our work which paves the way for highly multiplexed single-cell proteomics through the integration of mass spectrometry imaging and proteoform separation tools. Next, this talk will cover a new device we invented that miniaturizes the isoelectric focusing assay, enabling the specific measurement of proteoforms on a chip the size of a microscope slide. Looking forward, I will explain how we will bring the miniaturized isoelectric focusing tool to the single-cell level using our microfluidic advantage, in order to bridge cellular and molecular heterogeneity in a high-throughput format.
Gabriela Lomeli is a PhD Candidate in the UC Berkeley-UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering, where she trains under Professor Amy E. Herr. She has a BS in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University, and is an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, GEM Associate Fellow, and Siebel Scholar. When not in the lab, Gabriela is an avid member of the wider UC Berkeley community, especially in her role as Vice President of the Latino/a Association of Graduate Students in Engineering and Science (LAGSES). As a future professor, her research vision is to engineer chemically sophisticated proteins by purposefully tuning post-translational modifications to expand current capabilities and introduce entirely new functions to our protein repertoire.