Design of Cell-Instructive Biomaterials in Biomedical Applications

Renato S. Navarro, PhD

Faculty Candidate

Postdoctoral Researcher l Heilshorn Lab

NIH K99 MOSAIC Postdoctoral Fellow

Materials Science & Engineering

School of Engineering - Stanford University

Seminar Information

Seminar Date
February 2, 2024 - 2:00 PM

The FUNG Auditorium - PFBH



Cells have evolved complex systems to sense and respond to a diverse range of biophysical and  biochemical cues, leading to differences in cell development, function, and death. To understand  the signals that impact cell behavior, we use synthetic matrices to study the microenvironmental  cues that drive these changes. However, decoupling these signals and mimicking the richness of  the cellular microenvironment is a chemistry and engineering challenge. Leveraging a philosophy  that promotes materials development that is sustainable, scalable, and clinically relevant, my  research combines the molecular design creativity of chemists with the application-oriented  mindset of biomaterial engineers to better mimic the intricacy of the native extracellular  environment. I use this approach to formulate cell-instructive materials to advance biological  understanding and provide tools for regenerative medicine. For example, I developed a  mechanically tunable hydrogel platform for 3D cell culture wherein we leverage hydrophobic  interactions of a protein polymer to tune hydrogel stiffness. In a separate project, I created a  hydrogel that combines both static and dynamic covalent bonds that are viscoelastic yet stable  for 3D bioprinting of cardiovascular models. Lastly, I demonstrate that tuning the hydrophilicity  and void space of tissue-engineered blood vessels prevents thrombosis and promotes beneficial remodeling in rat models. The lessons learned from these projects can be used to develop next generation in vitro models and in vivo therapies for diverse biomedical applications.

Speaker Bio

Renato S. Navarro is a first-generation and non-traditional student. Before pursuing a formal education, he undertook a career in the military that sparked his passion for engineering and regenerative medicine. Dr. Navarro began his higher education at San Antonio Community College before moving to St. Mary’s University, where he majored in Biochemistry. After receiving an M.S. in Chemistry at Texas State University – San Marcos, Dr. Navarro attended the University of Michigan, earning a Ph.D. in Macromolecular Science and Engineering. During this time, his research focused on developing sustainable biomaterials for cardiovascular engineering. As an NIH K99 Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University, Dr. Navarro’s research has been centered on developing injectable hydrogels to deliver therapies after a heart attack. Besides his research, Dr. Navarro has a passion for mentorship and service. At Stanford University, he has mentored students from the Stanford BIO-X summer research program, Stanford Undergraduate Research Fellowship, and Foothill Community College, earning him the BIO-X Star Mentorship Award. Additionally, he serves as a board member for the Stanford Latinx Postdoc Association and assists in recruiting efforts for underrepresented minority postdocs through the Stanford Postdoctoral Recruitment Initiative in Sciences and Medicine program. Ultimately, he aims to lead a research team that pursues comprehensive solutions to cardiovascular clinical challenges through combining chemistry, materials science, and engineering approaches.