Student Computing

Every Engineering student enrolled at UCSD is eligible for a free Unix computer account at the Academic Computing Center. Please see their homepage ( for a more complete description of these services. You can drop by their Accounts Office (Applied Physics and Mathematics Bldg. Room 2118, M-F 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.). It pays to be familiar with your account as you will be expected to use it in some courses. Usually instructors distribute application forms or initial passwords during the first week of classes. These accounts will give you access to on-line class material, the internet, email, programming languages and other useful facilities.

The Bioengineering Department also maintains a research computing system consisting of 12 Silicon Graphics workstations, as described in Section I of this handbook. Some workstations are in the research labs and the rest are housed in the Bioengineering Computation and Visualization Lab in EBU1, room 2103. The departmental Computer System Administrators is John Rowen ( He has application forms for system accounts and has prepared the following helpful information on the departmental computers.