Student Perspective

Chris Matthew Cyril

M.Eng. M.D.E

Current Status: Alumni

Graduation Year: 2022

What led you to choose our Bioengineering Master's Program at UC San Diego?

In my third and last year at UCSD, I realized that I was always a tinkerer at heart.
Unlike my friends in engineering, it dawned on me that my path into a traditional engineering (computer science, mechanical, electrical) degree would be difficult because of my undergraduate degree in a biological science. Worse, I wouldn't get a chance to use biology in those programs.
After graduating Neurobiology and deciding against medical school, I was at a loss of what to do with my life.
I knew I liked biology, but I also liked creative pursuits, design, and business.
Providentially, the very year I graduated, Bioengineering opened the MDE M.Eng. program. I seized this opportunity, knowing this was my chance to fulfill those dreams. I'm glad I did.