
Life Sticks: Bioengineer Publishes Sticky Insights in journal Science

April 9, 2009

Life Sticks: Bioengineer Publishes Sticky Insights in journal Science

 Sticky is good. A University of California, San Diego bioengineer is the first author on an article in the journal Science that provides insights on the “stickiness of life.” The big idea is that cells, tissues and organisms hailing from all limbs of the tree of life respond to stimuli using basic biological “modules.” Full Story

Bioengineering Professor Trey Ideker Wins 2009 Overton Prize

March 12, 2009

Bioengineering Professor Trey Ideker Wins 2009 Overton Prize

 UC San Diego bioengineering professor Trey Ideker has won the International Society for Computational Biology’s Overton Prize. Full Story

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January 28, 2009

UC San Diego Engineers Develop Novel Method for Accelerated Bone Growth

Engineers at the University of California at San Diego have come up with a way to help accelerate bone growth through the use of nanotubes and stem cells. Full Story

A Better View for Surgeons During Minimally Invasive Surgeries

December 26, 2008

A Better View for Surgeons During Minimally Invasive Surgeries

 A multidisciplinary team of researchers at the UC San Diego division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) is nearing completion of their first prototype of “SurgiCam,” a tiny surgical camera that can be inserted through a 1.5 cm incision in the abdomen during minimally invasive surgery (MIS). Full Story

Hands-on Engineering Design Course Presentations: Monitoring Heart Rate Variability and More

December 15, 2008

Hands-on Engineering Design Course Presentations: Monitoring Heart Rate Variability and More

 ECE 191, Engineering Group Design Project, is an upper-division class that provides undergraduate students with hands-on experience working in a team to design, build, demonstrate and document an open-ended engineering project. Full Story

Jessica Godin, Electrical Engineer, Wins R.B. Woolley Leadership Award

November 20, 2008

Jessica Godin, Electrical Engineer, Wins R.B. Woolley Leadership Award

Jessica Godin came to UC San Diego in 2004 to pursue a Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Now on the home-stretch of her Ph.D. at the Jacobs School of Engineering, Godin has won the annual R.B. Woolley Graduate Leadership Award. Full Story

Genetic Clock Makers at UC San Diego Publish Their Timepiece in Nature

October 29, 2008

Genetic Clock Makers at UC San Diego Publish Their Timepiece in Nature

  UC San Diego bioengineers have created the first stable, fast and programmable genetic clock that reliably keeps time by the blinking of fluorescent proteins inside E. coli cells. The clock’s blink rate changes when the temperature, energy source or other environmental conditions change, a fact that could lead to new kinds of sensors that convey information about the environment through the blinking rate. Full Story

NanoEngineer Wins Grant to Develop Field-Hospital-on-a-Chip Technology

October 22, 2008

NanoEngineer Wins Grant to Develop Field-Hospital-on-a-Chip Technology

  With a $1.6M grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR), UC San Diego NanoEngineering professor Joseph Wang will lead a project to create a field-hospital-on-a-chip technology that soldiers can wear on the battlefield. Full Story