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Patterns in Genome Organization May Partially Explain How Microbial Cells Work

January 24, 2006

Patterns in Genome Organization May Partially Explain How Microbial Cells Work

The location of a piece of real estate may be its most important feature to many Realtors, and bioengineering researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and the University of Virginia have reported that the location of genes and other features distributed along the chromosomes of bacteria and simpler organisms also is fundamentally important to how microbial cells operate. Full Story

Researchers Quantify More Noise in Gene Expression

December 21, 2005

Researchers Quantify More Noise in Gene Expression

A team of researchers at UCSD led by bioengineering professor Jeff Hasty report in the Dec. 21 issue of Nature a mathematical description of “extrinsic noise" in gene expression in a technique that  would apply to other types of cells and other species. Full Story

Students Engineer a Digital Solution for Senior Care Provider

December 16, 2005

Students Engineer a Digital Solution for Senior Care Provider

A  team of UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering students has designed a system that is enabling nurses at St. Paul’s Senior Homes & Services to manage patient information via an easy-to-use computer interface. Full Story

How E. coli Bacterium Generates Simplicity from Complexity

December 15, 2005

How E. coli Bacterium Generates Simplicity from Complexity

Researchers at UCSD report in the Dec. 27 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  that computer simulations show that only a handful of dominant metabolic states are found in E. coli even when it is “grown” in 15,580 different environments. Full Story

Engineers Discover Why Toucan Beaks Are Models of Lightweight Strength

November 30, 2005

Engineers Discover Why Toucan Beaks Are Models of Lightweight Strength

Marc A. Meyers, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, reports in Acta Materialia that the secret to the toucan beak's lightweight strength is an unusual bio-composite.  Full Story

UCSD Establishes Graduate Training Program Integrating Biomedical and Physical Sciences with Engineering

November 29, 2005

UCSD Establishes Graduate Training Program Integrating Biomedical and Physical Sciences with Engineering

Nine graduate programs and thirteen departments at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) are collaborating in a new graduate educational program at the increasingly crucial interface of biology, medicine, and physical and engineering sciences. Full Story

Researchers Develop New Method To Find Deadly Malaria Parasite's Achilles Heel

November 2, 2005

Researchers Develop New Method To Find Deadly Malaria Parasite's Achilles Heel

A team of  UCSD researchers led by bioengineering professor Trey Ideker has discovered that the single-cell parasite responsible for an estimated 1 million deaths per year worldwide from malaria has protein “wiring” that differs markedly from the cellular circuitry of other higher organisms, a finding which could lead to the development of antimalarial drugs that exploit that difference Full Story

Researchers Learn How Blood Vessel Cells Cope with their Pressure-Packed Job

November 1, 2005

Researchers Learn How Blood Vessel Cells Cope with their Pressure-Packed Job

UCSD researchers stretched cells in a workout chamber the size of a credit card to gain a better understanding of how repetitive stretching of endothelial cells that line arteries can make them healthy and resistant to vascular diseases. Full Story

Scientists Discover Secret Behind Human Red Blood Cell's Amazing Flexibility

October 21, 2005

Scientists Discover Secret Behind Human Red Blood Cell's Amazing Flexibility

A team of UCSD researchers discovered how a mesh-like protein skeleton gives a healthy human red blood cell both its rubbery ability to stretch without breaking, and a potential mechanism to facilitate diffusion of oxygen across its membrane. Full Story

Thinking Big with the Very Small: Focus of New Cancer Nanotechnology Center at UCSD

October 3, 2005

Thinking Big with the Very Small: Focus of New Cancer Nanotechnology Center at UCSD

In a new national effort to fight cancer with “nanoscale” devices that find and destroy tumor cells while leaving healthy tissue unharmed, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) today awarded the University of California, San Diego $3.9 million in the first year of a five-year $20 million initiative to establish a Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (CCNE). Full Story

Noise and Delays Explain Why Some Genes Oscillate in Activity

September 30, 2005

Noise and Delays Explain Why Some Genes Oscillate in Activity

UCSD scientists report in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that the coupling of noise and time delay could also be an important factor in determining the variability in gene expression. Full Story

UCSD Bioengineering Professor Trey Ideker Named Top 35 Young Scientist by MIT's Technology Review Magazine

September 6, 2005

UCSD Bioengineering Professor Trey Ideker Named Top 35 Young Scientist by MIT's Technology Review Magazine

Trey Ideker, an assistant professor of bioengineering at UCSD’s Jacobs School of Engineering, has been named one of the nation’s top 35 innovators under age 35 by MIT’s Technology Review magazine. Full Story

Color Block

August 16, 2005

UCSD Named 'Hottest for Science' by Newsweek Guide

 August 16, 2005--The University of California, San Diego, long regarded as one of the nation’s premier research universities, has been named the “hottest” institution in the country for students to study science by Newsweek and the 2006 Kaplan/Newsweek College Guide. Full Story

COSMOS Experience Ends on a High Note for High School Students at UCSD

August 9, 2005

COSMOS Experience Ends on a High Note for High School Students at UCSD

The 83 students participating in the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) program left the UCSD campus over the weekend, after showcasing their work for industry and family members at a Student Research Expo. In 2005 UCSD became the fourth UC campus after Irvine, Davis and Santa Cruz to host the COSMOS program. Full Story

Von Liebig Center Funds Five New Projects

August 8, 2005

Von Liebig Center Funds Five New Projects

The von Liebig Center awards more than $200,000 to five projects led by five professors at the Jacobs School of Engineering. Full Story

Researchers in Australia Perform Microsurgery in California over the Internet

August 1, 2005

Researchers in Australia Perform Microsurgery in California over the Internet

Scientists from UC Irvine, UC San Diego and the University of Queensland have performed laser surgery and “optical trapping” via the Internet, producing surgical holes in a distinct pattern of less than one micron in diameter in single cells.   Full Story

San Diego Startup Company To Commercialize UCSD Technology to Treat Shock and Inflammatory Diseases

July 12, 2005

San Diego Startup Company To Commercialize UCSD Technology to Treat Shock and Inflammatory Diseases

UCSD has signed an agreement with a San Diego startup company to license technologies developed in the Jacobs School of Engineering that hold promise for the treatment of shock and acute inflammatory diseases Full Story

Starting Salaries Offered to UCSD Engineering Graduates Rise to $51,000-to-$55,000 Range

June 21, 2005

Starting Salaries Offered to UCSD Engineering Graduates Rise to $51,000-to-$55,000 Range

UCSD engineering students graduating this spring with baccalaureate degrees are receiving significantly higher starting salaries than their peers garnered last year. An annual survey by the Jacobs School of Engineering of its seniors found that the median starting salary this year for those joining the workforce will be in the $51,000-to-$55,000 range. Full Story

UCSD Undergraduates Selected to Research Cyberinfrastructure at Pacific Rim Universities

June 17, 2005

UCSD Undergraduates Selected to Research Cyberinfrastructure at Pacific Rim Universities

Thirteen students from the Jacobs School will leave next week for research institutions in Japan, Taiwan, China and Australia as part of the PRIME program to give the undergraduates summer-long research experiences in global cyber infrastructure-related fields. Full Story

Six Jacobs School Undergraduates Represent UCSD at Statewide Research Symposium

May 27, 2005

Six Jacobs School Undergraduates Represent UCSD at Statewide Research Symposium

Six Jacobs School of Engineering students were among the nine UCSD undergraduates who presented their research at the annual California Alliance for Minority Participation in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (CAMP) Symposium. Full Story