Quarterly Newsletters
BioEngineering Newsletter | Fall 2022
- Feature: Gender Minorities in Bioengineering
- Student Org Events: BEGS Science Outreach
- Student Org Events: New Beginnings with BMES
- Student Org Events: UBIC Chalk Talks
BioEngineeirng Newsletter Winter 2022
- Feature: BENG Coffee Talks
- Interview: Sandip Patel, M.D.
- Interview: Brian Aguado. Ph.D.
- Student Spotlight: Michael Fitzgerald
- Student Org Events: BEGS Membership Initiatives
- Student Org Events: BMES Lab Expo 2022
- Student Org Events: ISPE Company Info Sessions
BioEngineering Newsletter Spring 2022
- Feature: A Word from the Class of 2022
- Feature: Bioengineering Day 2022
- Interview: Shadi Dayeh, PhD
- Interview: Ester Kwon, PhD
- Interview: Pedro Cabrales, PhD
- Physician Perspective: Nikdokht Farid, MD
- Student Org Events: UBIC Chalk Talks
- Student Org Events: BEGS x GBIC x BMS Networking Prom Night
- Student Org Events: Engineering World Health
BioEngineering Newsletter Fall 2021
- Feature:The Big BENG
- Interview: Dr. Rebecca Rakow-Penner
- Interview: Dr. Alysson Moutri
- Interview: Dr. John Watson
- Student Spotlight: Dalila Gonzalez-Mejia
BioEngineering Newsletter Winter 2021
- Newsletter on Diversity: We Care, We Act
- Feature: Translational Medicine Day
- Interviews with Industry: Mr. Dooley from SeaSpine
- Interviews with Professors: Dr. Daniela Valdez-Jasso
- Student Spotlight: Austin Doughty
BioEngineering Newsletter Fall 2020
- Newsletter on Diversity: Dr. Stephanie Fraley
- Feature: UBIC’s Chalk Talk with Dr. Rob Knight
- Interview: Dr. Trey Ideker
- Interview: Dr. Prashant Mali
- Interview with Industry: Dr. Peter Teriete from TumorGen
- Student Spotlight: Maya Holay
- Student Spotlight: Hope Leng
BioEngineering Newsletter Winter 2020
- Feature: Institute of Engineering in Medicine
- Feature: Bioengineering Career Fair 2020
- Interview: Dr. Shu Chien
- Interview: Dr. Bruce Wheeler
- Interview: Dr. Stephanie Fraley
- Student Spotlight: Julian Kosacki
- Student Spotlight: Alyssa Chiang
- Student Organization Event: Lab Expo 2020
- Student Organization Event: Paint Night
BioEngineering Newsletter Summer 2020
- Feature: UBIC'S Summer Transformation
- Feature: The Big BENG
- Feature: Persistence through Pandemic
- Interview: Dr. Andrew McCulloch
- Interview: Integrated Systems Neuroengineering Lab
- Student Spotlight: Sicily Rose Panattil
BioEngineering Newsletter Fall 2019
- Feature: Bioengineering Day 2019
- Feature: BENG 87 Freshman Seminar
- Interview: Dr. David Gough
- Interview: Dr. Nathan Lewis
- Interview: Dr. Ziliang (Adam) Huang
- Student Spotlight: Erica Pursell
- Student Organization Event: Light the Night
- Student Organization Event: Illumina Industry Tour
- Student Organization Event: Chalk Talk by Dr. Lukas Chavez
- Student Organization Event: Bioengineering Graduate Initiative
BioEngineering Newsletter Winter 2019
- Interview: Dr. Kun Zhang
- Interview: Dr. Pedro Cabrales
- Interview: Dr. Peter Chen
- Feature: San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering
- Feature: The Bioengineering Career Fair
- Feature: Switching into Bioengineering
- Research Highlight: Dr. Elliot McVeigh
BioEngineering Newsletter Winter 2018
- Feature: Lab Expo 2018
- Feature: Insight in the Industry: NuVasive, Inc.
- Interview: Dr. Kevin King
- Interview: Dr. Adam Engler and Dr. Jing Yang
- Student Spotlight: Julie Yip: Bioengineering for Global Health
- Research Highlight: Professor Jin Zhang
BioEngineering Newsletter Fall 2018
- Features: Bioengineering Day 2018
- Industry: Cognionics
- Interview: Dr. Gert Cauwenberghs
- Interview: Chul Kim
- Student Spotlight: Bryan Yeh
- Research Highlight: Dr. Adah Almutairi